Passing the ecosystem forward

Building Builder Professional Worker Employee
Being fortunate enough to be a part of the Fintech Ecosystem, it is time to pay it forward. One of our goals at hiveonline is to make the life of the small and midsize companies easier. So, we’re thinking of ways we can support that change.

We are not just building a hiveonline community, we are aiming to be a part of the “Ecosystem” for these businesses. A collaboration among everyone. Consumers, smaller companies, suppliers, startups, banks, NGO’s, Unions and regulators. All with the same goal of making it easier to run a small business. Not just in Denmark or Sweden but all over the world.

hiveonline aim to make sure, that it is easier to run a small business. As a business you shouldn’t need to spend too much time worrying about administrative work or new regulations. We want to be a part of an ecosystem where we can contribute with our knowledge, and incorporate the knowledge of others to our technology. All with the goal to ease everyday hurdles.

Everyone we want to get involved has their everyday life in different communities. But the small company or a single man contractor focuses on his or her business their own relevant network or community. But how do we then spread new ideas or inspire others.

Why an Ecosystem is the right way of thinking.

Imagine that you are a small contractor and have a steady work stream but still need to plan for the work further down the road. During the day you are out with customers, and in the evenings you do your accounting, advertisement, setting up contracts, follow up on loose ends, ordering materials reading up your industry, new regulations, follow up on customers, all while trying to take care of you family and see friends.

There are too many things you have to be good at, and too little time to be good at it all. At hiveonline we want to make sure your time is spent doing what you’re good at, and help ease the rest. So, let us all join forces and help ease the life for small business owners, whether they need new knowledge, new systems, or just more time with family.

“I don’t want to spent all night writing contracts with customers or fill out papers. I have a family, two kids that also wanna see their dad”, Jesper F. Hansen

You might have a group of steady customers – and a small set of regular collaborations partners. But you have to think, what if one of the regular customers says no, or what happens when you are no longer allowed to have all your paperwork lying around with project details because they can be attached to a single person. How do you handle that in an easy way without adding to you workload?

In Denmark we are currently focusing on contractors, we want to know, where the obstacles are, we want to know how they can improve their work and we want to know who they collaborate with, what motivates them and what’s important to them. So we are engaging, reaching out to everyone who wants to be a part of making the life of small and midsize companies easier.

There are so many rules and in Denmark so many regulations. And that’s on top of dealing with customers and comprehensive administrative work. Imagine that customers, contractors, suppliers, third party providers, startups, unions and regulators all unite and actually try and help the small and midsize company get better work conditions, what we could accomplish.