Becoming a tester
Once you become a tester, we would really like to hear your input on how it is working. You can get in touch with us through or from inside the app, you can go the “Profile” tab and select “Report a bug”.
To download the app, open this link on your iPhone or your iPad and you will get instructions on how to download Testflight app and the hiveonline app to begin testing.
The app is most relevant to craftsmen and clients looking for services these professionals provide. Therefore, you can sign up on the hiveonline platform as an individualcustomer or as a business. Depending on the type of user you choose, here are some of the things you can test on the app:

If you run into issues, check the frequently asked questions in the app available in the “Profile” tab or get in touch with us directly.
We really believe that our solution will make managing your work as a craftsman much easier, go ahead and give it a whirl!