Elena’s 3 months at hiveonline

Pier47 New Copenhagen premises for our growing team

The first three months of my journey with hiveonline have been both challenging and exciting. One of my degrees is in business administration, and so in the early days here I was mainly doing tasks typical to that of an office manager: dealing with the local authorities, managing meetings, making sure the bills are paid on time, etc.

Working as an office manager was a nice match to my previous job experience, as I have been previously working as a senior administrative secretary at the British International School in Kiev, Ukraine and also had a volunteer position at a social café in Frederiksberg, Denmark.

But working in a startup environment has its specifics, on one hand – it is that you get to all sorts of tasks. So before I could even get slightly bored with the routine, I got involved in things like testing the app and looking for potential bugs, getting to better understanding of the Danish taxation system, standing at a booth and presenting for the company at a fintech meeting, you name it. So this is the other side of a dynamic startup – you adapt and learn a lot. And it also teaches the value of a good crew and teamwork, because in a startup everyone plays a big role in the company’s success.

This is what I really love about hiveonline – we have a fantastic team, and each of us is passionate about what we are doing and gives in 110% to the cause. After all, we are trying to make the world a better place, be it the app that helps small-size contractor and clients find each other, our impact projects in Africa, or ultimate goal building ways for small businesses everywhere to get conventional banking through the power of blockchain. And yes, quoting Sofie: “the world doesn’t need yet another bank”, which is another way to state that I believe that now is the time for something new in the financial system. Moreover, the African green energy projects are of a particular interest to me, considering that my first university degree was in electric engineering, and I am sincerely hoping that these will get a go very soon.

To conclude, I am very happy that I have become a part of hiveonline and very much looking forward to working with other members of the hive family.