Yanisa joining hiveonline

Yanisa Suratpipit

Having flown 9,600km from a little red dot known as the sunny Singapore, I’m truly excited to join the hiveonline team here in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m currently embarking on an entrepreneurship program offered by the National University of Singapore (NUS) called NUS Oversea College (NOC), where undergraduates have the opportunity to live, work and study overseas. Pursuing a specialization in Finance, with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, I look forward to being a part of the Swedish fintech industry by working and studying in Stockholm.

I’m interested in the field of banking; however, I believe that our banks are broken. The ‘too big to fail’ notion is evidently invalidated by the global financial crisis. Hence, we need a more sustainable approach for our banks. I share the viewpoint that the fintech revolution will cause future banking to be vastly different from today’s banking – for the better.

Fintech can be the compatible solution for banks, especially in the area of financial inclusion. Hence, in my one-year journey here, I hope to learn more about how we can seek innovative use of technology to deliver and design finance tech, including blockchain and cryptocurrency, to create a more efficient and, dare I say, a fairer financial ecosystem.