hiveonline research contributes to the ADBI Working Paper Series: Blockchain and Tokenized Securities: The Potential for Green Finance

The Asian Development Bank Institute recently released a new research paper on green investment examining the opportunities and challenges in developing green finance through the utilization of blockchain-based security tokens. And hiveonline research was both a contributor and featured firm in the report!

The report features innovative methods of promoting investment to narrow the financing gap in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and explores blockchain technology, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and automation of data collection. Together these innovations have the ability to drive down transaction cost, reduce size and liquidity requirements for green investment and enhance overall transparency. 

hiveonline is presented in the report as one such firm that is utilizing these new technologies:

“The platform [hiveonline] is blockchain-based, which increases investor confidence by producing an immutable audit trail. Administrative overheads are reduced to near zero costs through the application of smart contracts. The digital assets offered have proven provenance and clear milestones and evidence structures that ensure agreement and accountability between delivery partners and comply with green bond standards” 

hiveonline continues to be at the center of research on sustainable and green finance- making an impact in the wider community and driving the sustainable development goals through our research initiatives and setting the policy framework to make the world a fairer and greener place for small and microbusinesses. 

The full report, Blockchain and Tokenized Securities: The Potential for Green Finance can be downloaded here: