October is an exciting month for everyone involved in the Connect Caju II project, as it marks the beginning of cashew harvest season in Mozambique. The farmers, cooperative managers and the Mozambican Association for the Promotion of Modern Cooperativism (AMPCM) in the Nampula region have spent the last few months pruning and cleaning their cashew trees in preparation for the harvest. They have sprayed the trees to prepare them from pests and disease, with the goal to have a plentiful harvest this season.

Alongside all of this activity, hiveonline has been working closely with AMPCM to develop and deliver the digital cooperatives management platform. Applying a customer centric approach, we have engaged in testing with cooperative managers and promoters on the ground, to get their feedback and suggestions. Not only does this help improve the platform, but also provide training and familiarity for the end users. Live demonstrations, short videos and manuals have been provided as a part of the training process, with further group training sessions scheduled for the coming weeks.

In the background, our developers have also been busy building further features for the platform, including the production plan features and reputation scoring. The production plan component captures each farmer’s predicted and actual produce, for better harvest forecasting and reporting, whilst the reputation scoring provides farmers with a financial identity and alternative credit scoring based on trust.
We are excited to be stepping into this phase of the cashew cycle in partnership with the cooperatives and AMPCM to deliver value in this important phase.