NGOs and governments can now distribute value and donations to vulnerable people efficiently, cheaply and completely digitally thanks to hiveonline’s blockchain based e-Vouchers.
Mozambican peanut farmers suffer from widespread aflatoxin contamination, which causes stunting in children and cancer. Aflatoxin is responsible for over ⅓ of African liver cancers, and because it’s so widespread, key export markets such as the EU and South Africa have both banned Mozambican peanuts.
NGOs and governments can now distribute value and donations to vulnerable people efficiently, cheaply and completely digitally thanks to hiveonline’s blockchain based e-Vouchers.
Mozambican peanut farmers suffer from widespread aflatoxin contamination, which causes stunting in children and cancer. Aflatoxin is responsible for over ⅓ of African liver cancers, and because it’s so widespread, key export markets the EU and South Africa have both banned Mozambican peanuts.
hiveonline e-Vouchers in action
We ran a pilot of our revolutionary e-Vouchers to distribute Aflasafe, a biocontrol product that outcompetes aflatoxins, so the peanuts are safe to consume and export. We teamed up with our partners AMPCM, the Mozambican Association of Modern Cooperatives for the January pilot. hiveonline’s e-Vouchers provided the critical links for distributing the Aflasafe via peanut farming cooperatives in Northern Mozambique, who are using our cooperative management app.
The cooperative managers used the system to distribute e-Vouchers to their members, then Aflasafe agents authenticated and approved the voucher redemption for secure, accurate and corruption-proof Aflasafe distribution. Our team provided onboarding, training and tech support to our awesome on-the-ground partners throughout the pilot.
The pilot successfully delivered the Aflasafe the farmers needed, developed new technical skills for the coop managers and gave the farmers the means to grow peanuts that are safe for consumption. The hiveonline team also gained many useful insights on how users adapt to e-Vouchers for us to make further enhancements in how it works.
How does it work?

Why use hiveonline’s e-Voucher system?
Our customers benefit from security and peace of mind with blockchain based e-Vouchers, that deliver effective and impactful interventions for market development or in humanitarian crises. hiveonline’s e-Vouchers, give you:
- Rapid configuration for any type of asset, without the expense or risk of physical cards or QR codes
- Real time and remote asset tracking via live dashboards
- Built-in auditing and reconciliation – no need to wait for the scheme to be completed
- Cost effective distribution, auditing and reporting
- e-Vouchers that “know” which type of group can own them or redeem them
- Confidence for merchants through the automated reimbursement
- Easy access to the technology: the agent application works on any browser based device