Hiveonline extends Mozambique rollout with Norges Vel and AMPCM


Hiveonline has signed an extension of our partnership with Norges Vel and AMPCM to support the growth of the smallholder Cashew farming community in Mozambique as part of the ConnectCaju programme. The new 17 month phase will increase the usage of hiveonline’s application to open access to supply chains and financial services to 200,000 farmers in Nampula, Zambezia, Cabo Delgado districts.

Throughout 2022 and 2023, hiveonline will work closely with AMPCM (Mozambican Association for the Promotion of Modern Cooperativism), IAM (Mozambican Nut Institute) and other ecosystem partners to widen the access to the hiveonline platform as a key enabler to the professionalisation of the sector. 

With the onboarding of both new and existing cooperatives to, farmers will be able to interact with the cooperative and other actors, access wider markets to sell their produce and get business loans to invest in their growth. Hiveonline will extend the platform to incorporate other actors such as nurseries, tree-sprayers and buyers into the digital ecosystem to reduce the friction in the sector and incentives professionalism.

Hiveonline has been working with Norges Vel and AMPCM in Mozambique since 2020, to bring the benefits of the hiveonline platform to cooperatives. To date, 70 cooperatives and 3,000 smallholder farmers have joined the solution in order to carry out harvest planning, financial management and community building. Their digital data gives clearer insights into the harvest processes and the needs of the sector which will guide future system development.

With just one smartphone per group, cooperatives can record important agricultural and business data digitally, removing the challenges of paper and manual calculations, and opening up a range of growth possibilities. Harvest projections captured and compared with actual harvest numbers give farmers better analytics for future planning. As all financial records are recorded indelibly on the blockchain, banks and other financial service providers will be able to make loan decisions on clear, trustworthy data for the first time.

We’re thrilled that our partnership with AMPCM and Norges Vel has moved into this new phase of significant expansion in Mozambique, extending our opportunity to impact many more lives and professionalise the cashew sector through our innovative technology.

Sofie Blakstad, CEO, hiveonline

The hiveonline platform supports communities in Mozambique, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda and Lebanon unlocking the power of digital technology to give savings groups, cooperatives and the informal economy access to wider markets and financial services so that they can grow. If you are an NGO, MFI, Bank or commercial partner working with agricultural communities, savings groups or the wider informal economy, you can get involved by requesting a demo with us here

Norges Vel

The Royal Norwegian Society for Development (Norges Vel) is an independent non-profit member organisation established in 1809 with the central goal of promoting thriving local communities in Norway and internationally. By the methods of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and business development, Norges Vel creates local, sustainable jobs and products within food, agriculture and marine industries. Norges Vel has been working with cashew farmers in Mozambique to help improve agriculture methods and improve the lives of farmers as part of the Connect Caju programme since 2016.