Want to learn more about how can community currencies help trade and community development during the current COVID-19 crisis?
Join hiveonline on Monday, May 18 at 6pm CEST for the @PositiveBlockchain webinar – “Digital currencies: a solution for the new reality?” where founder and CEO Sofie Blakstad will present our work with digital currencies.
Register Here : bit.ly/PBwebinarMay
How can community currencies help trade and community development during the current crisis? Projects and platforms like Grassroots Economics, Hiveonline, Celo and Trustlines are providing community currency solutions in various global contexts, and are right now adopting their work to the realm of Covid-19. This session will bring together perspectives from global projects working on CC solutions during Covid-19 and beyond, taking into account different currency models and implementation contexts.
Read More about PositiveBlockchain’s work on projects that use blockchain technologies to generate positive social impact and solve some of our world’s burning problems
Positive Blockchain: https://positiveblockchain.io/