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Sofie Blakstad

Sofie has spanned technology development, system architecture, infrastructure delivery and business transformation and has built technology and businesses for eight major international banks, in 60 countries, with projects worth over USD 1bn. Sofie’s career includes writing two books and multiple research papers, delivering 5 core banking systems, multiple payment systems and transformation of Citigroup’s technology and retail operations. Sofie advises international organisations on sustainable applications of blockchain. She is Chair of the Edinburgh Futures Institute FI and Fintech advisory board and holds an MSc in Informatics. Sofie has twice been included in the Innovate Finance’s Women in Fintech Powerlist.

Zambia: building on a successful pilot with SHA

Since December 2020, hiveonline and Self Help Africa Zambia, have worked together on a pilot project involving the implementation of hiveonline’s blockchain based digital savings platform,, in communities in Southern Zambia. From an already existing savings group model, VSLA, hiveonline has provided a digital solution that improves sustainable microfinance… Read More »Zambia: building on a successful pilot with SHA

What are banks for?

To many of us, we see banks as a necessity; like schools, transport or food shops. They’re part of the familiar infrastructure of modern capitalism, and we would struggle to function normally without them. Yet did you know that as many as 1.7 billion adults remain unbanked—without an account at… Read More »What are banks for?

lancement d’eArziki – l’inclusion financière blockchain – au niger avec m. le président

Je viens de rentrer au Danemark après une semaine incroyable au Niger avec Latif, notre responsable de produit, pour rencontrer des clients et lancer notre produit d’inclusion financière eArziki, basé sur la blockchain, avec nos sponsors, CARE International Niger et CARE Danmark. CARE a pour vision de réaliser la numérisation… Read More »lancement d’eArziki – l’inclusion financière blockchain – au niger avec m. le président

Launching eARZIKI – Blockchain Financial Inclusion – in Niger with M. Le President

MISE À JOUR : hiveonline a cessé de travailler sur le projet CARE eArziki en mars 2020 après un accord mutuel pour mettre fin au partenariat. Bien que l’application eArziki pour les groupes d’épargne ait été développée et testée, elle n’a pas été mise en ligne et n’a pas été… Read More »Launching eARZIKI – Blockchain Financial Inclusion – in Niger with M. Le President