Our Blog
Customer Experience Led Service Design
This article is part of our post-structural, randomised, Let’s Build a Bank series of articles In this article, we explain the practical steps needed to build CX driven services, towards a capability driven architecture for your business or service. NB this is closely aligned with Building Capabilities, which is the subject of a separate article…
Decision Architecture
We’ve written elsewhere in this series about service architecture, building flatter organisations and a capability-based ecosystem approach both to organisations and service provision across organisations. In this article we address the governance implications for banks in general and the service-aligned ecosystem in particular. What is decision architecture? Decision logic is a commonly used concept, which…
Shifting values in the connected economy
The world’s getting more connected; nobody would argue with that. In this article we consider the macroeconomic impact of this trend, the shift of power that appears to be taking place away from the big organisations towards smaller firms and the implications for banks. Work, money and utility Traditionally, work has been closely linked to…
What’s the point of banks?
This article is part of our randomised, post-structural Let’s Build a Bank series of articles. If you’re familiar with our series, you’ll know our articles are long. This one’s longer. We don’t apologise for this, we hope that you will find the additional content more interesting. In parallel, we examine various models for banking in…
New Standard Models for Banking
This article is part of our randomised, post-structural Let’s Build a Bank series of articles. The disruption to banking arising from changing customer behaviour and use of technology has come later than to most other industries. Banking is a very conservative industry and we have observed that even challenger banks and Fintechs are largely restrained…
Communities of Practice and Centres of Excellence
This article is part of our randomised, post-structural Let’s Build a Bank series of articles. “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do” Steve Jobs This article addresses how to manage skills development in any organisation,…
Service Alignment
In this article, we discuss how banks need to evolve away from product focus and towards service alignment, with some key considerations about the evolution. While we focus on banking transformation, the same considerations apply to large, traditional organisations across many industries, struggling to evolve in rapidly changing competitive environments. Only 30% of customers believe…
Service Architecture
This article is part of our randomised, post-structural Let’s Build a Bank series of articles. In this article, we discuss some core principles behind and practical steps towards developing a Service Architecture and how it sits alongside the other articles in this series, with particular reference to Service Alignment. This article briefly describes how the…
Case Managed and Core Standardised Capabilities
This article is part of our randomised, post-structural Let’s not Build a Bank series of articles. Instead of trying to standardise end to end processes, with limited opportunities for simplification and a negative impact on customer experience, keeping key differentiator services flexible allows more standardisation in supporting services, while delivering a fully flexible customer experience…