hiveonline e-Vouchers overcome the challenges of distributing and administering CVA

Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is an effective and impactful intervention for market development and in humanitarian crises.

But the cost is high and there are challenges:

  • Vouchers can be expensive to administer and audit
  • Cash is expensive to move
  • It’s hard to keep track of who is benefiting from the scheme
  • Many retailers won’t accept vouchers, because they can’t be certain about reimbursement
  • Physical distribution of cards or paper vouchers is expensive and problematic
Vouchers not accepted at this shop!

Distribution through field officers or private sector networks
  • Rapid configuration for any type of asset – no need for QR codes or cards
  • Real time asset tracking
  • Built-in auditing and reconciliation, no need to wait for the scheme to be completed
  • Slashes the cost of distribution, auditing and reporting
  • e-Vouchers “know” which type of group can own them or redeem them
  • Automated reimbursement for merchants to improve confidence
  • Merchant/Agent view works on any browser based device including browser enabled feature phone
  • Web-based dashboards for governments and NGOs, no need to install proprietary software

How does it work?

Request a demo and we’ll set up a meeting to learn about your scheme – how many beneficiaries, what you’re distributing and how often

We’ll enroll your beneficiaries, field officers, merchants and any other private sector actors onto our platform and provide any training needed for your staff

We’ll mint a unique digital asset for your voucher scheme, that is fully traceable at all times, so you can be confident it’s going to the right people

Vouchers can be redeemed at any participating merchant – no need for beneficiaries to have a smartphone or a special card

Merchants can be reimbursed automatically using mobile money, based on vouchers redeemed, at a frequency agreed with you

You can use our dashboards to track progress of the scheme, and we’ll provide a post-implementation report tailored to your needs