

Building Credit History Through Financial Reputation

hiveonline unlocks access to affordable credit, markets and savings for communities in the informal economy

links to reputation creation
blockchain image
savings groups
eArziki - sewing machine

What is Reputation?

Small businesses everywhere suffer the same problems, so we’re taking our solution to savings groups and communities in developing economies. hiveonline is developing innovative digital solutions for community finance worldwide.

Recording Transactions with Blockchain

Through hiveonline digital finance tools, communities can digitally record transactions – improving record-keeping, security, and identity services for members. As these transactions build up and recorded on the blockchain, savings groups build reputation and creditworthiness by creating a digital record of commitments made and met, including lending and repayments on both a group and individual member level.

Access to Credit: Based on Facts

This record is used to build bridges to financial institutions and MFIs, giving groups the opportunity to expand community businesses, diversify livelihoods, and bolster their resilience through access to capital.

Building Businesses and Livelihoods