Our Hiring Process
We believe that it’s important to spend the time upfront in the hiring process getting the right people for the job and also making sure that the role is the best fit for the candidate. We want to build a strong partnership from the start.
That’s why we have built a consistent hiring process which aims to guide the prospective team members through several aspects of working at hiveonline, allow them to experience us as a company and ensure that you have the right skills to be able to succeed.
We advertise all the roles that we are hiring for on our website but are also very happy to receive open applications from people who think that they have skills they want to contribute to our mission.
We ask you to provide a CV/Resumé covering your life and work experiences, skills and learning for us to understand whether it looks like you’ve got the right level of understanding and knowledge to match what we need within the team.
We ask people who we think are a good match on paper to have some interviews with us for us to dig a bit deeper.
We have several stages of our interview process which are designed to allow hiveonline to understand more about you, and you to learn more about us. We try to have different team members running each interview stage so that you are able to meet a sample of the colleagues that you will be working with and are able to ask any questions you might have.
First Interview – Chat through your experience
In this interview we will talk through your CV and covering letter to validate that we have understood the roles and experiences you have had previously and see how these align to the role. We will talk through the role that you are applying for and you are able to ask about anything that you are unsure about.
Second Interview
Part 1 – Values Interview
The values interview is something that we’ve built as a team to help us find team members who align well with our overall goals and way of working but also bring the diversity and different forms of energy into hiveonline.
Part 2 – Technical Interview
We want to have one part of the interview process that isn’t just talking, because communication, while important, is only a small part of most of the roles at hiveonline. If you’re a developer then this might be a technical programming exercise. If you’re not a developer then we will give you a short exercise relevant to your role, perhaps building a short presentation about our customers, or piece of analysis on some data.
Third Stage
At this stage, we would like to talk with one of your references to get their views on how you would work best with us and we’ll most likely also do a background check.
Final Interview
Having passed these stages, we’ll invite you for a final chat with Sofie, CEO, just for you to talk through any details you are still not clear about and agree the finer points of your role and responsibilities. After this we sign contracts and NDAs and then look to get you onboarded as part of the team as quickly as possible.
We can’t hire everyone who applies and hence there’s a likelihood that some people will be disappointed. We are always very happy to provide constructive feedback at any stage of the process to help unsuccessful candidates find the best role for them in the future.