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Small Businesses

Expanding our Impact: 7500 Savings Group Members Join in Ghana

Picture of App Secretary Abdulai Mariama entering transactions into hiveonline’s app during one of her savings group’s meetings. We are thrilled to continue advancing financial inclusion in Ghana thanks to our partnership with ACDI/VOCA under USAID’s Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience (MSR) Activity. The MSR Activity… Read More »Expanding our Impact: 7500 Savings Group Members Join in Ghana

Farming for Resilience: The Overlooked Potential of Smallholder Farmers in Combating Climate Change and Strengthening Food Security?

Smallholder farmers are essential actors in building climate change resilience. Adopting sustainable farming practices helps them adapt to climate challenges and contributes to global mitigation efforts by sequestering carbon and reducing emissions as a natural climate solution. Unfortunately, although smallholder farmers contribute to over one-third of the world’s food supply… Read More »Farming for Resilience: The Overlooked Potential of Smallholder Farmers in Combating Climate Change and Strengthening Food Security?

hiveonline expands AWAK outreach through Rabo Foundation and Swiss Capacity Building Fund (SCBF)

Our partnership with Association of Women in Agriculture in Kenya (AWAK) has received funding from the Rabo Foundation and the Swiss Capacity Building Facility (SCBF) to support more smallholders grow their businesses in Kenya. This extended partnership between AWAK and hiveonline will leverage and extend the platform to provide… Read More »hiveonline expands AWAK outreach through Rabo Foundation and Swiss Capacity Building Fund (SCBF)

Hiveonline extends Mozambique rollout with Norges Vel and AMPCM

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Hiveonline has signed an extension of our partnership with Norges Vel and AMPCM to support the growth of the smallholder Cashew farming community in Mozambique as part of the ConnectCaju programme. The new 17 month phase will increase the usage of hiveonline’s application to open access to supply chains… Read More »Hiveonline extends Mozambique rollout with Norges Vel and AMPCM